Size: 1016 mm x 1524 mm
Be bold by embracing your differences.
Love who you are, beautiful, flawed, quirky,
weird and amazing. Do not try to be the same
or “normal” or change yourself for anyone.
For you cannot make a difference until you
are brave enough to be yourself.
Meditation Individually You
Price $3,700
Size: 1016 mm x 1524 mm
Be bold by embracing your differences.
Love who you are, beautiful, flawed, quirky,
weird and amazing. Do not try to be the same
or “normal” or change yourself for anyone.
For you cannot make a difference until you
are brave enough to be yourself.
Meditation Individually You
Price $3,700

FRAMES OF MINDAcrylic on Canvas
3D wooden frames
Size: 1016 mm x 1524 mm
Black and white thinking stops us from
seeing the world as it is. This thinking is either
good or bad, there is no in between, no shades of grey.
Our lives are full of shares of grey and colours
which make life rich and diverse.
Meditation; Live In Colour
Price: $3,100.00
3D wooden frames
Size: 1016 mm x 1524 mm
Black and white thinking stops us from
seeing the world as it is. This thinking is either
good or bad, there is no in between, no shades of grey.
Our lives are full of shares of grey and colours
which make life rich and diverse.
Meditation; Live In Colour
Price: $3,100.00

BEYOND BEAUTYAcrylic on Canvas
Size: 1016 mm x 1524 mm
Mental illness has many faces.
It does not discriminate based on
appearance. Look past and beyond
the external beauty to see another’s soul,
to recognise that no matter what you
look like, it should not be a mental health barrier.
Meditation: Self Awareness to know Yourself
Price $3,550
Size: 1016 mm x 1524 mm
Mental illness has many faces.
It does not discriminate based on
appearance. Look past and beyond
the external beauty to see another’s soul,
to recognise that no matter what you
look like, it should not be a mental health barrier.
Meditation: Self Awareness to know Yourself
Price $3,550

RISE UPAcrylic on Canvas
Size: 1016 mm x 1524 mm
The phoenix has always represent rebirth,
transformation, strength and renewal. The
ability to beat life’s challenges and defeat
hard times. To emerge and start afresh
stronger, smarter and more powerful
Meditation: Stronger Than Yesterday
Price $2,200
Size: 1016 mm x 1524 mm
The phoenix has always represent rebirth,
transformation, strength and renewal. The
ability to beat life’s challenges and defeat
hard times. To emerge and start afresh
stronger, smarter and more powerful
Meditation: Stronger Than Yesterday
Price $2,200