Returning to the workplace

Planning for the future

After months of working remotely staff are starting to make their way back into the physical workplace.

While some people will welcome the return to the office others are less excited with strong feelings of anxiety and stress about returning to the workplace.

Pandemic fatigue, the economic crisis and wide spread social unrest has added to the feeling of stress, anxiety and exhaustion in returning to a physical workplace.

With a workplace already suffering from a notable rise in mental distress from the pandemic, it is now time to design and deliver a workplace that implements a practical, beneficial and visible wellness initiative with tools and techniques that are simple, effective and affordable.

Let Your Walls Do The Talking

Disrupting the traditional concept of “virtual programs” to introduce a innovative, visible, tangible  initiative with tools and techniques to inspire, motivate and build  a positive workplace. 

Mindshaping Art is a practical mental health and wellbeing initiative


Mindshaping Art

Mindshaping Art


Prespective Canvas

Prespective Canvas


Workplace Meditations

Workplace Meditations


Mastermind Canvas

Mastermind Canvas


Shoutout Canvas

Shoutout Canvas


Cahoots Canvas

Cahoots Canvas

protect mental health

People want to go to a place of work that is supportive and where they feel safe.   Where staff can be supported during times of stress, fatigue, anxiety and from the increased customer violence and aggression being directed at them.

Where awareness of mental health is recognised and staff are encouraged to talk openly about how they feel, both with their co-workers and managers.

This can be difficult to achieve as mental health and wellness is not always easy to address and the stigma, prejudice and discrimination of mental illness is still very much a problem.

Mindshaping Art is a visual wellbeing tool aimed at raising awareness and increasing open communication.  As the mind is designed to interpret visually, Mindshaping Art acts as a visual cue to shape how staff think, behave and interact.

Every artwork has been created and curated with a specific intention of  either relieving stress, reducing anxiety, re-energising, boosting self confidence, inspiring innovation and restoring a positive state of mind.   Each collection comes with its own unique experiential or mindful meditation, allowing staff to take time out when they feel stressed, anxious, upset or need time to restore, re-energise or problem solve.

Protecting mental health leads to a more healthier and productive workplace, reduces absenteeism as staff feel supported and want to come to work.

protect mental health

Displaying Mindshaping Art in your workplace communicates to staff, visitors and clientele that you are a mental health advocate, invested in breaking down barriers by taking action. Show that you put “Human Value” as your top priority.

People want to go to a place of work that is supportive and where they feel safe.   Where staff can be supported during times of stress, fatigue, anxiety and from the increased customer violence and aggression being directed at them.

Where awareness of mental health is recognised and staff are encouraged to talk openly about how they feel, both with their co-workers and managers.

This can be difficult to achieve as mental health and wellness is not always easy to address and the stigma, prejudice and discrimination of mental illness is still very much a problem.

Mindshaping Art is a visual wellbeing tool aimed at raising awareness and increasing open communication.  As the mind is designed to interpret visually, Mindshaping Art acts as a visual cue to shape how staff think, behave and interact.

Every artwork has been created and curated with a specific intention of  either relieving stress, reducing anxiety, re-energising, boosting self confidence, inspiring innovation and restoring a positive state of mind.   Each collection comes with its own unique experiential or mindful meditation, allowing staff to take time out when they feel stressed, anxious, upset or need time to restore, re-energise or problem solve.

Protecting mental health leads to a more healthier and productive workplace, reduces absenteeism as staff feel supported and want to come to work.

inspire new thinking

Besides staff having to deal with the fallout of  Covid 19 many have been living with thoughts such as “I’m over this”, “I’m so tired”, and “I’ve just got no energy or motivation”.

Research shows that as humans we have a tendency to not only register negative stimuli more readily, but also to dwell on these events.  Neuroscientists refer to this as the negative bias, or “negativity bias”.

Feelings of anxiety often involve rumination or negative looping thoughts which grab our attention, stick to our memories and have a powerful affect on performance and dealing with  stress.

This negativity bias can effect how staff feel, think and act.  It can lead to staff feeling overwhelmed, resisting change and damaging relationships.  Dwelling on dark and negative thoughts makes it difficult to maintain an optimistic outlook in the workplace.

Overcoming negativity bias involves establishing new thought patterns by consciously shifting and redirecting attention and focus. This shift of focus allows space, even momentary to put attention on uplifting feelings and experiences and away from negative thoughts.

Mindshaping Art is a simple and effective way to redirect attention.  Studies show that both viewing and creating art triggers powerful mood enhancing chemicals in the brain stimulating the release of dopamine.  Also known as the “feel good” hormone, dopamine is a neurotransmitter acting as a chemical messenger between neurons and promotes positive feelings like pleasure, joy and happiness.

To counteract an inbuilt bias, you need to take deliberate action to shift your attention.

inspire new thinking

Use Mindshaping Art as a pathway to interrupt negative thoughts with positive, inspiring and upbuilding mental images and messages.

Besides staff having to deal with the fallout of  Covid 19 many have been living with thoughts such as “I’m over this”, “I’m so tired”, and “I’ve just got no energy or motivation”.

Research shows that as humans we have a tendency to not only register negative stimuli more readily, but also to dwell on these events.  Neuroscientists refer to this as the negative bias, or “negativity bias”.

Feelings of anxiety often involve rumination or negative looping thoughts which grab our attention, stick to our memories and have a powerful affect on performance and dealing with  stress.

This negativity bias can effect how staff feel, think and act.  It can lead to staff feeling overwhelmed, resisting change and damaging relationships.  Dwelling on dark and negative thoughts makes it difficult to maintain an optimistic outlook in the workplace.

Overcoming negativity bias involves establishing new thought patterns by consciously shifting and redirecting attention and focus. This shift of focus allows space, even momentary to put attention on uplifting feelings and experiences and away from negative thoughts.

Mindshaping Art is a simple and effective way to redirect attention.  Studies show that both viewing and creating art triggers powerful mood enhancing chemicals in the brain stimulating the release of dopamine.  Also known as the “feel good” hormone, dopamine is a neurotransmitter acting as a chemical messenger between neurons and promotes positive feelings like pleasure, joy and happiness.

To counteract an inbuilt bias, you need to take deliberate action to shift your attention.

raise the energy

Everything is energy is an absolute truth.  The further quantum physics peers into this science the more evidence they find that everything is energy and vibrating.

Although energy can’t be seen it does not mean it can’t be felt.  Most people know and have had the experience of walking into a place and immediately feeling the atmosphere being charged and tense.  Conversely another space can have the opposite effect and feel welcoming, peaceful and inspiring.   For everything has an energetic frequency that it holds, emits and that can be felt and absorbed by others.

After months of uncertainty, fear and lockdowns it is easy for negative energy to remain stuck and trapped in the workplace, making the atmosphere dense, heavy and stagnant.

Whilst this energy can dissipate over time, if the same type of energy continues to fuel our workplaces, it will develop an anchor to that space.

Uplift and retain positive energy by adding and surrounding your internal spaces with the positive energy of Mindshaping Art.  Create an ongoing flow of positive energy which neutralises the effects of negative and trapped energy.

As staff feel the positive vibes together with the benefits of colour psychology to lift the mood, elicit positive thoughts and influence behaviour.

Make your workplace high energy, productive, happy and boost staff collaboration

raise the energy

Staff who feel positive have increased motivation, greater commitment and show greater levels of innovation in the workplace.

Everything is energy is an absolute truth.  The further quantum physics peers into this science the more evidence they find that everything is energy and vibrating.

Although energy can’t be seen it does not mean it can’t be felt.  Most people know and have had the experience of walking into a place and immediately feeling the atmosphere being charged and tense.  Conversely another space can have the opposite effect and feel welcoming, peaceful and inspiring.   For everything has an energetic frequency that it holds, emits and that can be felt and absorbed by others.

After months of uncertainty, fear and lockdowns it is easy for negative energy to remain stuck and trapped in the workplace, making the atmosphere dense, heavy and stagnant.

Whilst this energy can dissipate over time, if the same type of energy continues to fuel our workplaces, it will develop an anchor to that space.

Uplift and retain positive energy by adding and surrounding your internal spaces with the positive energy of Mindshaping Art.  Create an ongoing flow of positive energy which neutralises the effects of negative and trapped energy.

As staff feel the positive vibes together with the benefits of colour psychology to lift the mood, elicit positive thoughts and influence behaviour.

Make your workplace high energy, productive, happy and boost staff collaboration

We offer a simple profession service to ensure that your chosen artworks can convey your intended messages easily and as a complete package.
our gallery
beyond aesthetics
consider what your walls convey
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